Bronies Wiki

"I say, what-o, I say, gut-o, greetings, all of you chap-os!" -Veepers' musical greet.

Veepers Teepers is an insane-ish, yet, faiirly friendly Earth Pony and the leader of the Jeepers Keepers, a group of Pony magicians who are well-known for entertaining the Ponies of Ponyville. He is one of the mane protagonists of the My Little Pony: The Invasion of Greenago spinoff series, Mr. Impossible. He, along with the rest of the Jeepers Keepers, is secretly an alien Pony who travels the Universe fighting powerful space empires, such as the Vraalskrith.

Veepers Teepers
Kind Tarlockoid
Sex Male
Occupation Magician
Eyes Blue
Mane Yellow
Coat Green
Nicknames The Great Veepers Teepers, Mr. Impossible
Relatives Vasquez Teepers
Cutie mark
Voice User:Invadervax
Owner User:Invadervax



Veepers was born on Planet Tarlock in the capital city of Barad'Gor. He was often made fun of for his unusual hight,  but was always cheered up by his brother Vasquez Teepers. He went through school and eventually went to the Academy, a strange place where young Tarlockoids are taught the ways of peace and sanity. He passed through all the tests, before he and Vasquez were announced two of the five best students in the Academy, and sent to the Eye, a room where the five best students in the Academy are sent to be tought the secret of peace and sanity. They looked into the Eye, where they learned the secret. Veepers and Vasquez managed to handle it, while the rest of them went insane. The two were now 19, and were in for life as it truly can be. 


The two were lost, hungry, tired, and needed a way to keep the secret from falling into the wrong hands. To do this, they would need to get off Planet Tarlock and go into space. They traveled and traveled, until finally reaching a town where they bought a robot gopher named Kiwi and set out into space to keep the secret from falling to evil. 

Adventures with Vasquez Teepers[]

The two now were travelling through space, exploring planets and learning more. They met the Vraalskrith, who were invading a planet. They managed to thwart them, which led to their first encounter with many other hostiles, causing them to be hated by many galactic evils. They kept thwarting their enemies' plans, until finally realizing they would need more in order to keep the Universe safe.


He is very wacky and crazy, and is fairly friendly. He can be pretty confusing and sometimes accidently embarrasses people. He has a British accent, and has quite the temper sometimes. He shows major brutality towards the Vraalskrith, and is disgusted by the fact that they find hatred beautiful.


Veepers has a green coat, a yellow mane, a black cape, a golden monicle, blue eyes, a black top hat, and his cutie mark is a cane. 

Mane Facts[]

  • Veepers is actually based off the user, User:Invadervax. His British accent and wacky personality are some of the things that show it. 